
Create a trip idea from our recommended trips

  1. Click on Start a trip in the top right corner
  2. Click on Recommended trips
  3. Search your desired country or region in the left hand menu
  4. Choose from our many recommended routes
  5. You can use our recommended routes as is or begin to edit the trip to your liking

Create a trip idea from scratch

  1. Click on Start a trip in the top right corner
  2. Click on Custom trip
  3. Enter in your Trip name and Start date

Duplicate an existing trip

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Tools tab in your left hand menu
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  4. Select Duplicate existing guest details if you would like to keep the guest’s details the same
  5. Select Use blank guest details if you would like to enter in new guest details
  6. Enter the name of the new trip and click Duplicate trip
  7. You have now created a copy of the trip that can be customised independently


The left hand menu is designed for you to follow a sequence of steps starting with Itinerary and finishing with Tools.

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Click Add a stage
  4. Select whether you would like to add a Place, Lodge, Custom lodge, Transfer or Location
  5. We recommend starting with a Place and then adding in your lodge from there
  6. You will notice the nearest airport and a transfer from here have automatically been added

Change starting location

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Click Expand on the first entry in the itinerary (usually the airport)
  4. Click Change location
  5. Select your new Country and Location

Add/Change transfers

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. To add a new transfer, click Add a stage 
  4. Select Transfer
  5. To change a transfer, click Expand on the transfer you would like to change
  6. Under Vehicle type, select the type of vehicle from the drop down menu
  7. Add in a short description about the transfer
  8. If you know the transfer time and distance you can add that in too

Add lodge details

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Below the place you would like to add a lodge to, click Add a lodge
  4. Select a lodge from our list of many options and click Add to trip
  5. Below the lodge, you have the option to Change lodge and change the Number of nights
  6. Click Expand to add more details
  7. Add in the relevant information under the following headings: Why you’ll love it, Room type, What’s included, What’s excluded, Covid-19 information, Notes

Add lodge options

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Find the place you would like to edit, click Expand
  4. Scroll to Lodge options
  5. Click Add lodge
  6. Select an additional lodge to present the guest with another option
  7. To add in multiple lodge options, repeat steps 3 – 6

Add what you’ll do

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Below the place you would like to edit, see the What you’ll do section
  4. Click Expand
  5. Click Templates to have the default templates load in the right hand menu, you can select any of these



  1. Click Start from scratch if you would like to create your own
  2. Fill out the Introduction
  3. Click Add experiences and suggested experiences will appear in the right hand menu, you can select from any of these
  4. To add in your own experience, click Add item
  5. You can add in a Title and Description
  6. To delete an experience, click Remove item
  7. If you would like each day to read: Day 1, Day 2, etc. click Add day
  8. Where it says No day, select the relevant day from the dropdown
  9. Proceed with steps 4 and 5

Add places

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Click Add a stage, select Place
  4. In the left hand search bar, search for the place you would like to add
  5. Click +Add

Change order

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Click on the ‘three dots’ on any of the itinerary entries
  4. Select Re-order trip
  5. Click and drag individual items on the itinerary to re-order them

Add custom lodge

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. If a lodge has been added to your itinerary already, click Change lodge below it
  4. If a lodge has not yet been added to your itinerary yet, click Add a lodge
  5. Click New lodge
  6. Search by name or place a marker on the map
  7. Click Create lodge
  8. Fill in all the necessary information and click Save lodge

Add own arrangements

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Scroll to the Place your guests will be making their own arrangements
  4. Click Expand
  5. Below Lodge details check the box that says The guest will book this themselves 
  6. You still have the option to add a lodge, even if the guest is booking it themselves. This way it can still appear in their itinerary

Add custom experience

  1. Click Library in the top navigation bar
  2. Click Experiences
  3. Click New experience
  4. Search the map or Choose location manually
  5. The mandatory fields to complete are Name, Map Location, Country and Region. If you cannot find your region simply type in the name to create a custom region
  6. Once these have been entered you can always save and come back to complete the rest at a later stage.
  7. Click Manage photos to upload photos
  8. When ready, click Save experience
  9. Check the box Visible to other specialists if you would like your colleagues to have access to this experience 
  10. Your custom experience will now be available in Quote Tools

Create and save custom template

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Itinerary tab in your left hand menu
  3. Scroll to the lodge you would like to add a template to
  4. Click Expand
  5. Find the section you would like to create a template for
  6. For example, to create an activity template scroll to What you’ll do
  7. Enter in all the necessary information
  8. Click the three dots to the right of What you’ll do
  9. Select Save as template
  10. Enter your Internal name
  11. You can select whether the template is for the Place or the Lodge 
  12. Click Save
  13. Your templates will be saved for future use and will only be accessible by you

Add guests

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Guests tab in your left hand menu
  3. There will automatically be two guests added, fill in the necessary details.
  4. To remove guests, click Remove guest below the one you wish to delete
  5. To add guests, click Add guest at the bottom

Add pricing

Tip: Make sure you have already added the guests that are travelling in the Guests tab on the left menu

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Pricing tab in your left hand menu
  3. Select Source country (where your guests are based)
  4. Select Settlement Currency (which currency your guests would like to pay in)
  5. Uncheck Auto Markup so you can add your own % markup
  6. Add new item to add as many line items as you need (we usually recommend one line item per contracting partner but you can also add a new line item where you want to have a specific markup % eg if you want to add a different markup for gorilla permits or flights.
  7. For each line item select the Partner (if your partner isn’t on the list then please email [email protected])
  8. Add Description which is optional eg South Africa trip, gorilla permits or flights
  9. Add Per guest which is the per person price
  10. Select Currency which is the currency your partner is quoting in
  11. Add Overide price allows you to specify the selling price per person
  12. Add Markup percentage allows you to specify the markup on that specific line item instead of the overall trip markup selected above
  13. Save Trip to see the calculated selling price on the trip
  14. Click Overview on the top menu to see the finalised quote page which you can send to your guests to review and book!

Add discounts

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Pricing tab in your left hand menu and then select Discounts
  3. Click Add new discount
  4. Enter a Description and an Amount
  5. Select your Currency
  6. Click Done
  7. Save trip to see the updated price

Add payments

  1. Click on Quote Tools in your top menu
  2. Click on Pricing tab in your left hand menu and then select Payments
  3. Select your Currency
  4. Click Add new payment
  5. To ensure the guest always sees the same amount in their currency, select Ad hoc payment
  6. For split bills, select Quote currencies
    Note: with Quote currencies the amount payable will fluctuate over time as exchange rates change
  7. For an Ad hoc payments: enter in the Description, your External payment link and the Amount
  8. Select your Currency
  9. Save trip
  10. For Quote currencies: enter in the Description, your External payment link and the Amount
  11. If you would like to split the bill, select Help me to split the bill
  12. If you would like to split by percentage, enter the desired percentage in the top box



  1. If you would like to split by an amount, enter the desired amount into the bottom box.
    Note: you will have to set up a custom payment per person
  2. To add another person, click Add new payment and follow the above mentioned steps
  3. Save trip


Payment Process & Guest Dashboard

How to create a brochure

NB: Only generate brochure once all info on itinerary is correct

  1. Go to the Quote Tools page of the trip you want to create the brochure for.
  2. Scroll down to Trip Partners 
  3. Here you need to select from the dropdown menu the partners you would like to add ie. Wilderness Safaris or Natural Selection – this will automatically input the contact details and emergency number of the partner you choose on the first page of the brochure
  4. After you have added the partners, the next heading down is Brochures – there are 2 options you can choose from Brief (a summary of the itinerary) or Detailed (the full itinerary with all the details)
  5. Click on show brief brochure or show detailed brochure – if you would like to view it online, then click on the “view brochure” link. This will show you what the brochure will look like.
  6. If you are happy with all the details then click on Email the brochure to me. 
  7. You will then receive an email with the brochure as an attachment in PDF form. You will receive 2 different versions of the brochure, a computer view (for viewing on a computer) and a mobile view (for viewing on phones or tablets) which you can then download and send on to your guests.

Your Guest’s Dashboard view vs. Your Dashboard view

Different currencies

  1. Quote currencies are the selected currencies within your quote

    • Different line items can have different currencies (useful when different suppliers work with different currencies)
  2. Preferred currency is the currency you prefer to see your total figures in

    • Applies to entire site – all trips will show the total in your preferred currency
    • If line items are in a different currency to your preferred currency, they will be converted to match it
    • Your guests can choose their own preferred currency too
  3. Settlement currency is the currency you actually charge your guests in. The preferred currency figure is converted from this and is simply a guide figure. The actual rate charged may vary depending on the bank